Valley Charter Elementary School Community Event Dates
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2024-25 school year
VCES School-wide*
Special events calendar**
8/12 3:30-5pm: Meet the Teachers
8/16 @drop off: Back to school parent coffee
8/16 2:40-3:15pm: Stay and Play
8/22 6-8pm: Back to School Night
8/29 @drop off: Parent volunteer coffee
9/6 5-7pm: Back to School Bingo Night
9/13 2:40-3:15pm: Stay and Play
9/17 @drop off: Principal's coffee
9/24 6-8pm: Parent mixer (location TBD)
10/8 @drop off: Parent coffee
10/15 2:40-3:30: Stay and Play: Fall Fair
10/26: Trunk or Treat
11/15 @drop off: Principal's coffee
11/15 2:40-3:15pm: Stay and Play
12/3 2:40-3:15pm: Stay and Play
12/6 @drop off: Parent coffee
12/19: Generations Day
1/10 2:40-3:15pm: Stay and Play
1/14 @drop off: Parent coffee
2/7 @drop off: Principal's coffee
2/8 1-4pm: Community Fair for prospective families
2/11 2:40-3:15pm: Stay and Play
3/6: Open House
3/20 @drop off: Laps 4 Learning pep rally
3/28 @drop off: Parent coffee
3/28 8:30am: Spring Sing morning performance
3/28 1-1:30pm: Parent coffee
3/28 1:30pm: Spring Sing afternoon performance
3/28 2:40-3:15pm: Stay and Play
4/3 @drop off: Laps 4 Learning pep rally followed by a Parent coffee
4/10 7:45-9:00: Laps 4 Learning race day
4/11 2:40-3:15pm: Stay and Play
5/1: Earth Day
5/2 @drop off: Principal's coffee
5/12 2:40-3:15pm: Stay and Play
6/5 1-1:30pm: Last day of school Stay and Play*please note that the events listed are school-wide and do not include grade-level specific events like field trips, PBL performances or showcases. Weekly classroom newsletters will contain grade-level information.
**subscribe to the school calendar! All of these events are already on the calendar and will automatically populate your calendar when you subscribe!