VCS Indoor Activity Guidelines

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Valley Charter Schools uses the below externally provided guidelines to make decisions regarding implementation of an indoor activity schedule.

  • Air quality: If there is ash or smoke in the air or the air quality is “unhealthy for sensitive groups” per IQAir, VCS will implement an indoor activity schedule. In addition to the air quality as reported by IQAir, the LAUSD Office of Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS) sends bulletins that we follow (e.g., if the air quality index is moderate but the LAUSD OEHS sends a bulletin requiring schools in our region to implement an indoor activity schedule based on additional information they gather and analyze, we follow their bulletin).
  • Heat: We use a chart provided by the LAUSD Office of Environmental Health and Safety that takes into consideration temperature and relative humidity; a change in either of those elements could determine whether we implement an indoor activity schedule. However, generally we consult the chart when the temperature is 91 degrees or above. Please note that high temperatures do not unilaterally mean students will be inside all day. Depending on the temperature and relative humidity, students may have limited activities outside.
  • Precipitation: We implement an indoor activity schedule when it is raining. However, if it is snowing, we will let students go outside to enjoy this rare event! 

A few additional notes:

  • Because conditions may be subject to change, communicating when we move to, or away from, an indoor activity schedule is not feasible. For example, we could start the day outdoors but be required to move indoors (or vice versa).
  • Although both VCES and VCMS are in the same LAUSD region, conditions are not always the same at each school; this means on some days one school may be following an indoor activity schedule while the other school may not need to.
  • We know that some families may want to exercise more caution for their own child when it comes to temperature, air quality, etc.  Please reach out to us if you need to problem solve regarding your individual child’s needs and we will do our best to support within our ability and guidelines.
  • The filters in our HVAC system are serviced quarterly or if there is a need based on a weather event that directly affects our filters.
  • The filters in our room air purifiers are updated on an as needed basis (the color system on the purifier indicates when it is time for a filter change).
  • If the school is implementing an indoor activity schedule due to air quality, we will keep the doors closed as much as possible throughout the day.