Our Approach » Curriculum & Instruction

Curriculum & Instruction

valley charter school curriculum and instruction
The instructional program at Valley Charter Schools is designed to prepare students effectively for the next level of schooling and ultimately for college and career readiness.  The design and selection of curricular materials are driven by a constructivist, project-based approach to standards mastery.  We cultivate joy, curiosity and engagement in our classrooms and are intensely focused on developing life long learners. 
Valley Charter Elementary core program elements:
Valley Charter Middle core program elements: 
  • Mathematics: the math curriculum is primarily teacher-created and incorporates projects on a regular basis. The Eureka Math² curriculum informs the pacing, planning, and delivery of standards-based instruction and students use Eureka Math² textbooks and workbooks as resources in the classroom and at home. VCMS math instruction is supported by math coach Bill Davidson. Please read about the mastery-based approach to assessing students here.
  • Science: the science curricula is primarily teacher-created and project-based. TCI’s "Bring Science Alive", which is aligned to the NGSS standards, informs the pacing, planning, and delivery of standards-based instruction and students use TCI textbooks and workbooks as resources in the classroom and at home.
  • History: the history curriculum is primarily teacher-created and project-based. TCI’s "Bring History Alive" informs the pacing, planning, and delivery of standards-based instruction and students use TCI textbooks and workbooks as resources in class and at home.
  • ELA (English Language Arts): VCMS utilizes the reading and writing workshop model for ELA and teachers use the "units of study" to guide the planning and implementation of each unit. Please click here to see the VCMS Reading and Writing Bill of Rights.
  • Advisory: VCMS uses a teacher-based curriculum to foster a sense of belonging for all students, develop effective social skills, support effective decision-making skills, and develop students' executive functioning skills. 
  • Spanish elective for 7th and 8th graders 
  • Physical education (including a robust, free after-school competitive sports program open to all students)
  • "What I need" (WIN) time: this is dedicated time for intervention or enrichment. VCMS has a reading intervention teacher, math intervention teacher, and English language development teacher. 
  • Clubs at VCMS: faculty-sponsored and driven by student interest.