Valley Charter Elementary School Trunk or Treat

🍭 What to Expect:
🚗 Trunk or Treat (5-6pm): Fill your goodie bags with treats from creatively decorated car trunks. Sign up to be a trunker this year!
🎭 Costume Parade (6pm): Strut your spooky, silly, or spectacular costumes in a parade!
🎨 Crafty Corner (5-7:30pm): Unleash your inner artist with fall-themed crafts. Sign up to help at the craft table!
👻 Face Painting (5-7:30pm): Transform into your favorite spooky character at the face painting station. Sign up to help at face painting!
🍔 Dinner and Dessert (5-7:30pm): We've conjured up a bewitching array of tantalizing treats to quench your Halloween hunger. From ghastly gourmet hotdogs to spine-chillingly sweet delights, we’ve got you covered.
Feel like pizza instead of hot dogs? Pre-order pizza from Bad Boys Pizza (delivered the night of the event) here. PLEASE NOTE: All pre-orders must be received by Friday, October 18th.
👻 Whether you come dressed as a ghost, a superhero, or in your school clothes, all are welcome to join in the fun! Costumes optional.
Feel like face painting or baking some Halloween goodies? Click here to volunteer.
Trunk or Treat pricing: (Tickets available for purchase at the event. All tickets are $1 each.):
Entry: free
Trunk or Treating: free
Craft Table: free
Light Up Toys: 1-3 tickets
Face Painting: 4 tickets
Popcorn: Free
Hot Cocoa: Free
Cotton Candy: 1 ticket each
Baked Goods: 1-3 tickets each
Chips/Drink: 1 ticket each
Hot Dogs: 3 tickets each
Fall fun with your friends: Priceless!